Banheiros Portáteis Fabricar

Types Of Portable Toilets


If you are thinking of hiring portable toilets then you likely have in mind the types we often see at outdoor events like festivals and at construction sites. This kind is typically the chemical portable toilet and has a very basic design. In Banheiros portáteis Fabricar the chemical version is likely the most popular as it is the easiest to set up and having running. It works by making use of an ammonia based chemical solution that washes down the waste for breakdown and killing of odor. This kind of portable toilet has a limited amount of capacity and is the reason when you see them at busy venues, they are fairly many.

Another variation is the mains connection portable toilet. They facilitate connection to main sewer and water lines. No chemicals are used that would interfere with the normal sewers. They are very convenient, particularly where the toilet is going to be set up for prolonged periods, as with construction sites. Because of the lack of chemicals it is also more environmentally friendly despite the fact more water supplies will be needed to serve it.

There are more rustic versions that people can buy for private use, such as when going camping. The designs are very simple with the portable toilet resembling buckets. They are often either metallic or plastic. The storage area for human waste is similar to that of a chemical portable toilet in being treated with chemical disinfectants. Sometimes the toilets can be built into vehicles like RVs and can be drained at camping site dumping stations. For those who go on camping trips while hiking, a more lightweight and less bulky option is provided in the form of bags. These bags have zip lock features and their interior is coated with the disinfecting chemicals. Because of the presence of chemicals, these bags cannot be disposed of by burying in the wid. There are local regulations on how this waste is to be disposed of.